Jim Rhoades writes to Birdsell, Sarah, and Emma Coe from the hospital where he is recovering from a shell fragment wound to the left thigh received January 14, 1865 at Fort Fisher. He tells of the Surrender of Lees army, and the assassination of President Lincoln. He talks about some of Roberts personal belongings that he has for them, and ends the letter by telling them he is returning a letter that came to the regiment for Robert a few days after he was killed. Jim has carried the letter about 10 months.
W.S. Gen Hosp
Hampton VA
April 15 1865
Dear Friends,
This pleasant morning finds me once more seated with pen in hand to drop you a few lines to let you know that I have not forgotten you I hope that this few lines will find you all well and prospering in life I am well and enjoying myself finely. my wound has healed up but my leg is very weak yet.
To day bids fair to be a pleasant day it has been raining for several days past which has made it very disagreeable out of doors. The crops here are all looking finely.
There has been pretty stirring times here lately over our recent victories the capture of Richmond and the Surrender of Lees army, but the news that came yesterday cast a solom gloom over the whole vicinity - it was the death of President Lincoln. every one mourns his untimely death, in him we loose a kind protecter and a noble friend, and a friend to all - even his enemies
May an everlasting curse rest on the head of his assasinatens.. The flags are all flying to day at half mast
Billy Skellie is here yet, he is well and as fat as a pig. our Regt is with Shermans army now The 10th corps and the 23d corps compose the center of Shermans army I am in hopes the the fighting is most over with. I wrote to the Regt to find out about that mosquith bar my coat was sold and the Mosquith bar was lost I am sorry about it I meant that you should have it if possible I will keep his vest for you I have wore it some, and his razor all so you shall have; I recd both of your letters and the paper I am very much obliged to you for the paper I sent in an application for a furlough but I have not heard from it yet so I have give up all hopes of its coming. I should like to come up to old French Creek and see the folks and eat some warm sugar
I can not think of anything more to write at present that would be interesting to you so I will bring this to a close
Good bye for this time
From your friend
James Rhoades
Please write soon
Here is a letter that came to the Regt a few days after Bob was killed I have carried it ever since if this letter could talk it would tell you of some pretty hard times that it had seen
Jim receives a letter from his mother, Charlotte Barr Rhodes Goodrich while he is in Hampton Hospital.
April the 12 1865 Clinton Brock Co. Wis
Dear son James I once more take my pen in hand to let you know how I am and whare I live I wrote you a letter in Jan but have got no answer yet But we got a letter from frances a short time a go she told us you was wounded in the thigh Also you was in Hampton Hospital I was sorry to hear you was wounded and should bin killed sorry to heard you had bin in all these hard fights that’s took place lately thay talk now as though peace will take place soon I hope it will fore thare has bin Blood shed and suffering amongst the poor soldier more than ever ought to a bin the south seems hartly tired of the war and the North to now James do write and let me know houe you are geting along I supose you are able to write you wrote to frances I told you in my other letter what had taked place in Hunters famly but I dont know as you ever even got it When I was in Iowa I made up mind I would rather live with Charlotte than some of my chuildren her chiuldren is grown up out of the way but thay are medling helpless I suppose you have heard that Hunter is dead he died in December fourth frank died Dec the 17 thay lost thare youngest girl last July as things has turned up I dont know how Charlotte is going to get throw the world but thare is a grate many in these times wors of than her Esther and worth had the typhoid fever this winter but we are all well at preasant I want you to write and tell me all about the people in french creek for I dont write to any one thare but occaitsonly hear a little by some hear that has friends living in french c I have wrote tow or three letters to Ben whitney but get no answer yet Jabes Hunter is still in the isureance bissiness I expect in hopes you will get back yet all right if you do what is your intention to stay East or go west I cant tell you much a bout the west though some parts of the west looks middling well wisconsin is a good looking place only verry cold hard winters and very windy place we live cloce to Clinton Junction a good many trains runs through hear it is a bissiness place quite a place to cach deserters Richard Hunter come and stayed hear most tow years sent for his wife and he found the officers was after him and he left in a hurry she went back to pine grove whare his mother lives Henry Ames was hear the other day had bin drafted and got away from his company he left for parts unknown he sed thay drafted him because thay thot him a copperhead he ses he has a ruptur that ort clear him I cant think of much to write only the girls hear got your potigraphs Charlotte and Hellen we got fore pictures you sent to Iowa and thay ware good ones I wonder if Lois Coe lives with B Coes folks yet or not Ben W rented Canfields place last year and also he had bought a farm in mina I have not received a cent from Chauncey Goodrich yet on from my Certificnt other I must come to a clos and still remaine you Affectionate Mother
Charlotte Goodrich
we would like much to see you out hear and hear the old fiddle once more
Jim writes his clothing draw on the bottom of this letter:
Clothing draw from August 1864 to August 1865
one 1 wollen blanket
three 3 pr shoes
three 3 pr pants
five 5 pr socks
four 4 pr drawers
one 1 cap
one 1 blouse
Jim Rhoades receives a letter while in the hospital, from Capt. Herman S. Fox, Commanding Officer of Co. H, 112th NY. Jim evidently took his musket with him when he left the field to go to the hospital at Ft. Fisher when hit by shrapnel in the left thigh. It appears the Captain is keeping good tabs on the guns of his company. He won't charge Jim for the musket, but says he must account for a gun.
Near Raleigh N.C.
May 2 of 65
Friend Rhodes
I received an order this morning for your descriptive list and soon after a letter from you requesting me not to charge you with a gun. I supposed you had the gun or something to show for it the boys said you took it with you from the field in that case I cannot lose the gun in action Those men that ever killed and those that left their guns on the field belonging to my company I got and turned in. I will not charge you with a gun but a set of accoutrements Complete which will be $4.07cts If I cannot get hold of a gun to replace that one I will have to loose it myself.
We have a fine camp and no drill Expect to be home soon
Yours in haste
H.S. Fox Capt
Comdg Co. H 112 Regt
Jim Rhodes wrote a list of the battles and engagements he was in, probably for the pension application in 1866……
Zuni. Nov 18 1862
Deserted House. Jan 30 1863
Siege of Suffolk, Va. 1863
Raid and Fight at Hanover Junction. July 4 1863
Siege of Fort Wagner. Charleston Harbor 1863
Raid to St. Johns Island. Feb 1863
Fight in front of Bermuda Hundred May 7 1864
Drurys Bluff. May 16 1864
Cold Harbor June 1864
Siege of Petersburg 1864
Battle of Deep Bottom 64
Chapins Farm 64
Darby Town Road Oct 1864
Fort Fisher Jan 64 (65)
Reg in fight when the Mine was Blown up July 30 1864

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