112th New York Prisoners of War - This page will try to identify the Prisoners of War from the 112th NY.
The information regarding Pvt. Charles Pecor of Portland, NY are contributed by Portland Town Historian Rob Pawlak, and the Pecor family Civil War collection.
Pvt Charles Pecor Co. G Captured June 1st 1864 Battle of Cold Harbor, VA

Charles Pecor Andersonville Prison handmade knife and spoon.

Testament Charles Pecor carried through the war, including Libby Prison, Pemberton, and Andersonville.
The strange story of Charles Pecor's funeral while he was in prison, and thought to be dead is coming soon.
Pvt. G. John Dunnewold Co. D Captured September 29th 1864 Battle at Ft. Gilmer

Obituary of John Dunnewold telling of his time in Belle Island, Salisbury and Libby Prisons.
Lucius Markham, Co. D - Captured June 1st 1864 at the battle of Cold Harbor, VA., interned at Andersonville and transferred to Millen in November 1864. Paroled from Millen....or Camp Lawton as it was also known, and when Lucius arrived home, he informed Charles Pecor's mother and father Charles was alive and imprisoned at Andersonville. Lucius Markham's great grandson is a born citizen of Great Britian, and living in Great Britian today, and proud to have an ancestor who fought in the american Civil War.

George and Sam Apthorpe enlisted together in Company I, 112th NY and were on duty on August 25th 1864 at Bermuda Hundred, when the brothers were foraging for food they were captured by a Confederate patrol. Both brothers were confined to Salisbury Prison, NC and died there within 11 days of each other. Sam died November 2nd., and George died November 13th 1864. The brothers are buried in the cemetery at Salisbury.
Lt. Samuel P. Hedges - Captured May 16, 1864 at the Battle of Drewry's Bluff.
Kempers Brigade of Pickets Divisions, Army of Northern Virginia, (loaned) captured General Heckman, and not knowing this, *"Col. Drake at this juncture of affairs, was ordered to move one Regiment immediately to support General Heckman. The 112th under Lt. Col. Carpenter was sent at once to report to Gen. Heckman, or whoever might be in command. Proceeding as rapidly as possible, on reaching the position where Heckman should have been, and not finding him, Lt. Col. Carpenter sent Lt. Hedges, Acting Adjutant, forward to find some one to whom to report. The Adjutant soon found himself among Rebels and about three hours later reported to Gen. Heckman in Libby Prison." *History of the One Hundred and Twelfth Regiment. HYDE
When the 112th advanced into North Carolina after the fighting at Ft. Fisher, into February, and during their stay in Wilmington on or about the 22nd of February 1865, Lt. Hedges and Corporal Harris of Co. A, came to the Regiment, having been paroled from Salisbury Prison.
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