General Military Collectibles page. Items for sale, wanted or discussed.

US&S 1911A1 from my collection. (Not for sale)
My interests beyond the 112th New York Infantry are US Military Collectibles from the Civil War through Vietnam with emphasis on US Property 1911 and 1911A1 .45's, M1 Carbines, M1 Garands and fighting knives and bayonets. From time to time I will list items for sale so check back often. If you have a collectible for sale, give me a try. If you would like your item listed on this page, please email me and we'll discuss my terms. I'm always seeking original high quality 1911 and 1911A1's, M1 Garand rifles and M1 carbines along with a select few early 1903 rifles for my collection. I am a Federal Firearms Licensed collector, all laws and restrictions apply.
To contact me for the collectibles page only, please email to:
For Sale: Collectors Guide to Colt .45 Service Pistols by Charles Clawson, new 2003 edition. This book is the absolute must for the beginning or advanced collector or someone contemplating a purchase of the 1911, 1911A1 pistol. The market is flooded with fake and altered pistols masquerading as original and this book helps the prospective buyer determine originality. $95.00 shipped....for quantities qreater than 3, email me for quantity discount.
For Sale: Colt .45 Government Models; Commercial Series Second Edition, new 2005 edition. The book is a must for the Colt Government Models collector, both advanced and beginner alike. Covers 1912 thru 1970 including the Super .38 and .22 models, Argentine, Norwegian and other foreign contracts and copies. $105.00
