Photos of the men of the 112th New York Infantry
The following photos were purchased and are displayed with permission from the U.S. Army Military History Institute. If you would like a photo copy, they offer the photos in a photocopy on copy paper, or the photo on photo paper. For more information, visit their site at: and in the search box, type in the name of the soldier, or put in 112th and the photos will be displayed by catalog no. and description. You will get information on how to order on those pages.
Col. Jeremiah C Drake Col. Augustus F. Allen Col. John F. Smith Charles E. Washburn
CO 112th Military Dist. Commandant F&S Surgeon
A Surg. Edson Boyd LtCol. Elial F Carpenter Maj. Selden E Marvin un-identified
Assistant Surgeon F&S Paymaster
Capt. Herman S Fox Capt. John G Palmiter Capt. Charles H Oley Capt. William H Chaddock
Co. H Co. H Co. I Co. B
Capt. Nahum S Scott Capt. Joseph H Mathews Capt Marlow Fitch Capt. Enoch A Curtis
Co. C Co. F Co. E Co. D
Capt. Perry C Vorce Capt. George H Dixon Capt. Joseph C Ross Lt. Samuel P Hedges
Co. C Co. A Co. G Adjutant Co.B
Lt. Amos M Thayer Lt. Alexander M Lowry Lt. Henry R Barrows Lt. Charles A Kimberly
Co. D Co. H Co. A Co. B
Lt. Clarence A Crane Lt. Herman Sixbey Sgt. Edwin R Hunt Sgt. Thomas J Newell
Co. I Co. E Co. A Co. E
Sgt. Oscar A Tracey Sgt. Charles T Read Sgt. Israel R Raymond Sgt. Hiram Vorce
Co. A Co. C Co. I Co. E
Sgt. Eli C Beecher Sgt. Edward A Dutcher Sgt. Herbert Christy Cpl. Charles J Low
Co. H Co. H Co. K Co. B
Cpl. Robert A Warner Pvt. George Bailey Pvt. John C Beebe Pvt. James Champlin
Co. A Co. I Co. I Co. B
Pvt. Reed W Cummings Pvt. Jarvis Fisher Pvt. Hiram P Morse Pvt. John F Oakes
Co. I Co. F Co. I Co. K
Pvt. Martin J Stafford Pvt. Jared N Tillotson Pvt. Charles F Toles Cpl. Theodore C Williams
Co. A Co. H Co. G Co. I
Pvt. James P Wiltsie Pvt. Albert C Bond Pvt. William H Ellis Pvt. Austin H Stafford
Co. A Co. B Co. D Co. B
Pvt. Joel A Fisher Pvt. Louis Young Pvt. George Ruch Pvt. John A Carey
Co. I Co. G Co. E Co. E
Pvt. Josiah R Casselman Pvt. George W Gardner UnId'd A Co.
Co. F Co. A Co. A

Men of the 112th Regt. N.Y.S.Vol. Inf., in winter Camp Suffolk, Va 1862-63

Winter Camp Identification page - some of the individuals were identified by the following numbers: 4 - Sgt. Samuel G. Sherwin, Co. A KIA Petersburg, Va. 6 - J.W. Upham, photographer. 12 - Lathrop L. Hanchett, drummer Co. F. 14 - Wilbur B. Wood, Pvt., Co. F; Hospital Steward. 17 - Capt. Lyman J. Parker, 1stLt Co. I, Capt. Co. C. 18 - Chaplain William L. Hyde (wrote Reg't. history 1866). 21 - Col. John F. Smith mortally wounded Ft. Fisher Jan 1865. 22 - John Gray (not with the 112th). 23 - LtCol. Elial F. Carpenter mortally wounded Drurys Bluff, Va. 24 - Mrs. Elial F. Carpenter. 26 - Addie Carpenter Catlin Frink (Daughter) 29 - Mrs. John F. Smith photo courtesy of Chautauqua Co. Historical Society.
Photos provided by family - (If anyone has a photo of a 112th New York soldier, or their ancestor in the 112th New York, I would be happy to have you provide it to me to be posted .)

Lt. Ebenezer Skellie Cpl. Robert L Coe Pvt. James Rhodes Sgt. Francis S Lanning
Co. D Medal of Honor Co. H Co. H Co. D

Cpl. Jacob Ruch Pvt. G. John Dunnewold Lt. George W Barber Pvt. Charles Pecor
Co. H Co. D Co. H Co. G

Pvt. Caleb G Clark Pvt. George Apthorpe Pvt. James Apthorpe Pvt. Samuel Apthorpe
Co. F Co. I Co. I Co. I
Pvt. William Apthorpe Sgt. Silas W Parker Pvt. Martin V. Stone Pvt. Orrin Allen
Co. I Co. A Co. A Co. H

Sgt. Charles T Reed Pvt. Garret Meerdink Pvt. George W. Rouse Pvt. Jesse E Beecher
Co. C Co. D Co. D Co. E

Pvt. Warren J Kingsland Lt. William Hoyt Col. Ephraim Ludwick Lt. Herman Sixbey
Co. C Co.'s D,E,I F&S Postwar

Pvt. William R Laine Cpl. Willard King Sgt. John H Wheeler
Co. G Co. C Co. C
The following photos were provided by Mr. Phil Phalen, Gowanda Historical Society. Special thanks to Phil for the contributions and corrections to the 112th website.

Lt. Charles Kimberly LtCol. Elial F Carpenter Capt. Perry C Vorce Col. Jeremiah C Drake
Post war F & S Co. C CO 112th

Maj. Selden E Marvin
Army Paymaster
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