Harrison Coe Letters 

(154th New York Infantry)

Harrison Coe writes Uncle Birdsell and Aunt Sarah Coe.

Virgina Nov 14th 1862


Dear uncle


          I received your letter and was glad to here from you all I am well at present   I received your letter abought three weaks ago   we have mooved fore times since than and I have not had much time to write   we are now at Thorough fair gap   we think that if old Jackson gets through here this time that he will have rather hard time of it   When we left fairfax we had to leave our knapsack and dress coats   Oscar [W. Brown] has ben sick for two weaks him and Charles Fuller was taken to Elexandria hospital a weak ago and I have not heard from them since   The rest of the boys are well as usual   we once in a while we in Camp near some old rebel and we take down a beef ore sheep or hog   Edward [D. Coe] is all right and sends his best respects to all inquireing friends and wants you to write to him again and tell all the boys that ever knew him to write to him

          Give my best respects to all inquireing friends   Write soon


                                         Yours Truly


                                          Harrison Coe 



Harrison is captured about a month later, May 2nd, at Chancellorsville, and paroled at City Point Va May 15th.  He returns to the 154th NY and is killed March 26, 1865 near Snow Hill, NC.


March the 25/63

Stafford Co va


Dear Uncle


          your kind letter of 15th was received in due time   I am well as usual   there is not much news to write   there is quite an excitement in our regt abought our being nine months men   there is some that think that we are a going to get of as nine months men but I cant see it in that light   I hope that they will fetch out some of the copperheads as you call them   I would like to see them caring these little beaurows and guns   I think that the army of the potomac will be gin to move soon as soon as the weather will admit   Edward [D. Coe] has got the inflamation in the eyes they have been very bad but he thinks they are getting better   he received your letter and one from Mary   He says that he will write as soon as his eyes get so that he can he sends his best respects to all of you

          Frank Smith got back to the regt last Thursday   we have target shooting every morning


                                         March the 28/63


I comenced writing this letter onesday but did not have time to finish it   the next day we had to go and make road and yesterday in the fore noon we had a target shoot and in the after noon I had to chop wood for brigade hedquarters so I have not had time to finish it untill now   Edward eyes are geting better   he will be able to write before long   it is raining quite hard and rained all night so it will kep us from moving for a few days longer Rubin [Reuben S.] Ray came back to the regt last night   he has been in the hospital at Washington   he left the regt the first of December   The report came in last night that vicksburg was in our posetion and that Fredericksburg was evacuated but I am afraid it is not so but hope that it is corect   I must close for this time

          Give my best respects to aunt Sarah tell hur to write to me   Give my respects to all inquireing friends   Give my respects to Daniel Beckwith   tell him to write to his old friends   write often   yours Truly


                                       H. [Harrison] Coe

                                       To B. Coe


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