Dr. John Rhoades letters to James Rhoades summer of 1864
Coolville Athens Co. O July 18th 1864
Brother James,
Yours of the 1st is at hand we ware glad to hear from you we long wished to hear from you but know not your whare abouts.
Sister Frank told us your explination of your campains for the last a months is very satisfactory but we would like your history from the commencement of your soldiering through MC. Kimm we heard of you, then, all was silent again you must not keep silant so long gain for we felt intrusted in you and would of ben glad to of heard from you - you entimate that Harriott is married and lives in Iowa is that a fact Francis is in Iowa & Jerome & Ann. I did not know that Harriott was. you say you health is good your Photograph shows that you have not fellowa much since I saw you Soldiering as you say is a dogs life I have only tried it ten months in this war Except in the Morgan Raid last summer. to day you must try to take care of your self Come out with a whole hide if you can serve the days due your duty How much longer have you to serve your time must be near out Let me know in your next I hope you will be successful at Richmond and every whare else Genl Sherman is pushing Johnson in Georgia it is supposed that if Johnson is whiped he will march to the releaf of Lee in that case you would have your hands full and more to
You asked me about Hocking Port the place is the same the young men are all gon in the army
Except some that have ben discharged Morris Knowles, J. Bennit, Davis have returned fro the army also Gust, MC Kimm AJ or Jackson MC Kimm has graduated and has an apointment to preach in South America. Theadore Hilliards is a prisinor in the rebles hands taken lately from Hunter division he belonged to the 1st Va (West Va.) cavalry. Sidney knowles the merchant was killed at gettisBurgh also Nelson. Harris Capt of Co I. 1st Va.(West Va.) S. Knowles Ajututent of the same Reg. Capt Harris the same one that went on our hunt to the mountains in Va. Benona Stone died in the service in Tenn George Williams has sold out gone to Iowa Bag & Baggage I have sold my property at the Port Bought at this place a drug store at the I am trying to sell to you to Callaforna or Nevada Territory
Uncle Wm Rhodes is a rabid Sesesh also all the family Edwin was killed last summer at Marionville by a guard under whos charg he was at the time. Lyman (Lyman P. Rhodes, 19th Virginia Cavalry) is in the Scesh Servis Most likely in the Raid in Mariland I hope he will get killed as did Ed as he went out to avenge Edwin death and hunt for his rights.
the family ar well John jr. is at scool learning fast Frances Marion my next boy is a bright little fellow Says he know his uncle Jame and refers to the old lady for frsoof if any one disputes his word the old ladys health is better. Unot ancious to go to Callaforna we all unite in sending our love to you write soon & often tell us of the little event that my you the coming if you can read this you will do better than I can
Respectfully your Brother John Rhoades
John Rhoades tries to convince Jim to come to Callaforna or Nevada Territory with him when he's out of the army. John also says once again he wishes their cousins to be killed because they fight for the Confederacy. I conclude from these letters, the Rhodes family split and Jim, John and possibly others changed their name spelling to distance themselves from the 'Sesesh' side of the family.
Coolville Athens Co Ohio Sept 25th 1864
Dear Brother
I set down to answer your letter after so long a time on the receipt of your letter I about starting west to settle up my buisness prepasitory to a start to Callaforna which I intend to do to morrow morning So you see you nead not direct your letter to this place as I shand be here you may send your answer to New York City if you can get one there within 10 or 15 days after the date of this if any thing serious should happen to you – you may write here as I should get it after a while for I have a gent here who would send it to me I will write as soon as I get to Callaforna we are well and hope as much for yourself
You wanted me to tell you about the folks here I will try Maryan Copen a school teaching at tuppers plains a good scholar & quite a lady Another her brother died with the consumption about a year agow. My student John Killgour (Robert John Killgore) went in the army with me Served out his time a reinlisted Co K. 39 Ohio Reg 16 Army corps with Sherman at Atlanta George Stone a member of the same Company served out his time is now at home at the planes very bad of with chronic diareah but I think he will get well Ira Huntington is at home tending grocery Sophia Huntington is at home rumour says She is gowing to Mary Morris Knoules. Sovis is also at home rumour sais some hard thing a bout her the doctors are accused of helping her out of a scrape I cant say how much truth there is in the report Jerome is just out of is his time in the 1st Vaginia Cavalry but is not at home yet but his is looked for every day John Sythe is taking pictures for a living he bought 2 acres of the back part of my lot at the port built on it now lives on it John Davis is in the 1st Va (West Va.) Cavalry vet. There is none of the Hocking boy but what as in the army or just through their time all have ben so far very fortunate they have seen a good deal of hard servise Otherwise the Port is a bout as when you left you would know the place if you was to come to it. However I expect you will save your money when your time is out and come to Callaforna. I should be pleased to have you due so You may be supprised to hear of my present move My reasons ar Climate. My health has ben on the decline for the last three yeares during the winters Summers I get better I loos more winter than I gain summer. This country is to changeable for me I must hunt a new climate or mak preparations for my finality I choos the former My family ar all willing to gow not only willing but ancious Mergetts health is about like mine weaklings cant stand the cold you know I never could stand the cold If the climate is what its recommendid to be it will suit me and the old lady the young ones will grow up in the climate wont realise the change I shall write to Frank & Jerome to night I have not heard from any of our folks sinc I wrote to you last Simon Rhodes (42nd Regt Miss Inf) is in the Secsh army at Richmond assigned Army of Northern Virginia or in that neighborhood if not killed which I hope he is and everyone else who is in pursuit of their rights I told you in my former letter about the folks that I have not mentioned I cant think of much more to wright now but will give you a full letter when we get through and setled but if any thing Serrous happens to you write direct to me at this place I will get it some time so Adue for the presant from your Brother
John Rhoades M.D.
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